
The latest updates from Husprey

May 15, 2023


New text editor

We've revamped the text editor in our SQL notebooks from the ground up to make the notebook editing experience more comfortable than ever. Say goodbye to the old cluttered interface and hello to a sleek design that prioritizes productivity. So, what changed?

  • Contextual Toolbars. Different toolbar options based on text selection or typing [.c-code]/[.c-code].
  • Nested Bullets. Easily create sub-bullets (and even sub-sub-bullets) for better organization.
  • Markdown Shortcuts. Format text using only your keyboard, boosting productivity.
  • Enhanced Readability. Upgraded main font size to 16px for a better reading experience.
  • Inline Code. Add code snippets within your text as needed.
  • Dividers. Maintain clarity with separators to keep content organized.

Table of contents

Effortlessly explore your notebook with an auto-generated table of contents. Access it in a side panel or make it accessible within the notebook itself for your users to get a quick preview before diving in.

Other new features

  • Charts: Chart lines can now be dashed.


  • Added appropriate indexes to speed up notebook deletion.

Bug fixes

  • BigQuery: Fixed BigQuery column summary, table preview, and queries for sync that should specify the right project.
  • BigQuery: Fixed BigQuery permissions listed in our doc and connection modals that were incomplete.

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Learn more about Husprey

Husprey is a powerful, yet simple, platform that provides tools for Data Analysts to create SQL notebooks effortlessly, collaborate with their team and share their analyses with anyone.