
The latest updates from Husprey

March 9, 2023


⌘ + click in SQL

This version brings a brand new feature that bridges the gap between SQL cells and the Documentation panel, [.c-key]⌘[.c-key] + [.c-key]Click[.c-key] in SQL 🤓. Hold [.c-key]⌘[.c-key] (or [.c-key]Ctrl[.c-key] on PC) and click on any identifier in your SQL editor to access quickly its documentation. No more copy/paste between SQL queries and the Data Explorer!

Funnel charts

With the new "Funnel chart" option, display any funnel-like data in the best possible way, with horizontal or vertical orientation, specific labels, and color grades.


  • When hovering a user avatar, a new popper opens with some more detailed information about this user.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed comment bubble not being displayed for data queries when SQL is hidden
  • Fixed default and snapping behavior for table results
  • Fixed table height when there is only 1 row
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Learn more about Husprey

Husprey is a powerful, yet simple, platform that provides tools for Data Analysts to create SQL notebooks effortlessly, collaborate with their team and share their analyses with anyone.