
text-to-sql: should AI answer question about data?

LLMs are changing the game for text-to-SQL apps and opening up new possibilities. However, AI-generated responses can still be unreliable and inconsistent.

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Thibaut Collette

May 9, 2023 · 4 min read

Introducing Chat-GPT

Some of you might already be aware that before founding Husprey, I worked in a small start-up where we developed a "chat with your data" bot for Slack.

That was back in 2018! Here is a link to demo video from the product at that time — please be gentle with your critique on the design. During those days, I built a strong conviction against text-to-sql.

Times have changed, technology has evolved. Is it now time for me to reconsider my stance on text-to-sql?

Language recognition — From Named-Entity-Recognition to LLMs

Back in 2018, language models primarily utilized deep learning architectures, such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and were specifically trained to recognize and classify "Named Entities" (e.g., Organizations, Countries, Persons, Dates) and understand the intent of sentences.

This approach was employed not only for building our "chat with your data" bot, but also for designing voice assistants like Alexa and Siri.

Entity recognition example
Entity recognition example — Source: ConfusedCoders
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have resulted from the introduction of a new "Transformers" architecture. These models are pre-trained on massive amounts of text data, enabling them to deeply comprehend language patterns and representations.

Traditional Intent/Entity extraction has now become obsolete, as LLMs can perform these tasks more effectively, while also:

  • Generating text;
  • Translating content;
  • Summarizing documents;
  • Answering questions based on a knowledge base, and more.

These additional use cases have shed new light on the possibilities of "chat with your data" and reopened the discussion on "text-to-sql" applications.

The dream: answer all my questions. Now.

Many people dream of having a robot that can instantly answer any question they ask.

In fact, they often wish the analysts in their company could respond just as quickly. However, this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. For both.

A skilled analyst typically rephrases a question to provide a more accurate answer. Most of the time, the original question lacks context, and the underlying reasoning is hidden in someone's mind—the "why" (or sometimes the "whys," plural) behind the question.

When the context is either blurry or complex, machines will inevitably struggle. It's not a major issue, but it's important to remember that machines, as much as your analyst, require external context around the data to be truly helpful.

One might argue that since LLMs can generate code, they could simply generate sql and allow users to make suggestions and decisions themselves. However, writing code also requires context. Definitions for terms like "Active," "Completed," or "Churned" are not universal; there is no one-size-fits-all truth. As a result, answers must take these unique definitions into account.

That being said, if a "domain" is well-defined, if some data was carefully modeled, AI can answer basic questions or can at least direct users to places where they can find the necessary data.

Last but not least, AI can very well explain code. It might not know how you should write your sql from the very beginning but being given an example it can help you figure out why something was done a specific way and help you understand what is happening so you can reproduce.

The reality: you're slow to type and the AI is high

BI tools have undergone numerous interface iterations over the years. While some could still be enhanced, most of them allow users to access data faster than if they were to describe their request in plain English, which is the beauty of well-executed UX design.

For example, when given a chart of revenue by country, clicking on the visible "Norway" button to filter results will be quicker than typing "and filter by Norway" on your keyboard. While a chat interface is powerful for navigating to a notebook or dashboard that isn't frequently visited, it falls short compared to a well-designed dashboard interface with clickable buttons.

Another significant challenge surrounding data question answering or text-to-sql generation is the AI "hallucination."

AI doesn't know something with absolute certainty; it derives results based on probability and confidence levels.

In our "chat with your data" experience, we censored results to ensure we "never answered something wrong." However, this approach leaves end-users with a choice between spending 3 minutes to find the results with certainty or 30 seconds with no guarantee of finding the answer. Most of the time, users opt for the first choice.

As mentioned before, trust (in the data and in the process) is the most valuable asset for your data team.

Trust relies on both communication and consistency. If a tool provides correct answers 90% of the time but fails the other 10%, then it's not a reliable BI tool, at least not for business users. You are then at risk of losing the trust you carefully built.

Time to reconsider?

Here are 2 lists: one for the analytics use cases where AI can help and where it won't.

Keep in mind that the following suggestions have a 2-year expiration date. In other words, if anything in this list turns out to be incorrect, you can only mock me for the next 2 years.

Where AI can help

  • Provide short sentences to direct users to the right dashboards
  • Answer questions from a Metrics layer
  • Find answers from previously written notebooks
  • Suggest connections between various conclusions
  • Help fix basic sql coding mistakes
  • Generate rarely-used sql structures
  • Suggest column descriptions in your database documentation
  • Propose document outline
  • Summarize documents
  • Improve charting capabilities by describing the desired chart
  • Speed up data analysis learning curve by building personalized curricula
  • Clean unused data in your warehouse to reduce costs
  • ....

Where AI won't help

  • Automate sql code writing for Business Users
  • Implement "chat with your data" workflows for business users
  • Write analyses based on high-level business goals
  • Answer advanced questions about the business
  • Build your company data literacy

Do I reconsider? Yes I do. Generative AI is a booster for data teams.

However, it's crucial not to be misled and to focus on use cases where GenAI excels while avoiding generic pitfalls that could undermine the trust you've spent months building.

And if I have a conclusion it is that AI is a great assistant to boost capabilities of someone with knowledge but will come short when answering questions from someone without initial knowledge.

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Learn more about Husprey

Husprey is a powerful, yet simple, platform that provides tools for Data Analysts to create SQL notebooks effortlessly, collaborate with their team and share their analyses with anyone.